LinkedIn Deluxe Brand Package

Elevate your LinkedIn presence with a full visual rebrand, voice consultation, and content strategy session.

I grew my account from under 300 to over 7k followers in a year and had over 2 million impressions on my posts.

I’ll help you scale your business on LinkedIn in a way that aligns with your voice and business goals!

You’ll get:

  • - Three 1hr sessions with me

    - Everything included in the LinkedIn Visual Rebrand package

    - A 30-day LinkedIn content calendar

    - An idea bank for future posts and lead magnets

    - Analytics Review / 30-60 Day Content Review

    - Positioning strategy to talk to a high-value audience

    - Brand voice development to stand out and attract an aligned audience

    - Funnel strategy & discovery call system

    - Increased lead flow

    - Next steps for building a powerful network

    - Professional appearance & authority




  • Phase 1


    In the first call, we’ll discuss your:

    - Goals for LinkedIn
    - Ideal clients
    - Visuals
    - Voice

    You’ll leave this call with a clear sense of how to position yourself and ways you can optimize your profile to achieve your ideal outcomes.

  • Phase 2


    Next, we’ll create a plan for your next 30 days.

    You’ll walk away from this call with:

    - A content calendar
    - Ideas for future posts
    - Next steps for creating your lead magnet

    You’ll leave this call with clarity, direction, and next steps.

  • Phase 3


    Finally, we’ll discuss mindset, habits, and approach.

    We’ll also take time to review any final questions and visual brand edits.

    You’ll walk away with a new look, confidence, and strategy to start getting leads for your business.